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Sachs: The world no longer trusts the United States because it has been

stealing money from other countries

By America-Today.  November,28 2024

    1. by pegging its currency through international deals - a nation with highest debt - its currency should have been like Italian Lira long time back. US $ is artificially high when it true value should have been some around 5% only
    2. steals through data hacking - Android, Windows
    3. Windows now has no perpetual license but use & pay system on all its product
    4. Android while it steals data, also takes royalty for its USE !!
    5. Uses the brains of H1B visa workers, taxes them to hell & gives nothing to them - stealing on H1B dreams
    6. Bombs other countries to spread democracy & then steals its resources on some pretext - security tax or ¡­etc..
    7. Keeps all oil %$ $ in its banks & then freezes that oil $ $ (petro dollars) when those nations act or vote against it !!
    8. If USA citizen, you can earn anything, if you are an expat earning $$ then they will put some fictitous legal case & make you pauper - NO expat can ever dream of making money in USA irrespective of how ethically he does, he is punished.
    9. Earlier days for trading on stock indices, one had to go through a broker. Now it is direct. Individual can directly ¡°play¡± on stock market & lose money !! - READ IT as - Stock market is manipulated by big financial companies, which an ordinary individual is unaware, falls in trap & he loses - In good olds it was called - Pick Pocketing. Now it is royal way of stealing money - with any element of criminality or guilt or immorality - perfectly legal to steal through stockmarket price manipulation





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